Archive for November 3, 2012

This series featured Kitayama Hiromitsu-kun of Kis-My-Ft2 backpacking for 8 days across India on a 10000 yen (about $120) budget. Episodes 1-3 were reviewed here, 4-6 here, and 7-9 here. This review covers the episodes which aired on September 10th, September 17th, and September 24th 2012, the last three of the series.

In these three episodes, Kitayama-kun has to get from Varanasi to Calcutta with virtually no budget. This leaves him with only one option – hitchhike.

In the debriefing restaurant, Kitayama-kun reflects on how his budgeting ended up so flawed.

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KisuHama Learning (キス濱ラーニング) features the members of Kis-My-Ft2 taking on different challenges, trying to learn things in a practical setting to see if this aid the learning process. So far, they’ve taken on the recorder and dollar-store English.  In these tasks, they are prompted, encouraged, and berated by variety show veteran Hamaguchi Masaru-san. Actually, in this episode, they are actually joined by him.

This time, they have to learn sushi kanji. I think you can guess the practical setting for this one.

Boy, did the guys whine when Hamaguchi-san told them that they would be learning kanji, but their enthusiasm recovered when he said that they would get to eat.

As usual with kanji, it isn’t a matter of guessing what it means – that would be easy. No, it’s all about figuring out how to pronounce the kanji. They have to get ten pronunciations in a row right to clear the challenge.

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