The first episode of Shinigami-kun (死神くん) had a compelling storyline, but the rules of the Shinigami world were a bit suspect, we didn’t learn much about the main character himself, and I was dubious about the entertainment value of spending an entire season watching people say their last farewells before dying. Then there was the teaser for this episode, which showed a man discovering Shinigami-kun (Ohno Satoshi)’s notebook. Now here, it seems, we might have some chance at a bit of fun.

Shinigami-kun Ep 02 000

I have to say that the notebook itself is another dubious part of the Shinigami world, since the way we see it record deaths is a bit . . . sparse. It must only be recording deaths in a small part of Tokyo, considering the deaths are around twenty-three minutes apart and all Japanese. Even if the notebook covered then entire Tokyo metropolitan area, I think the deaths would be two to three minutes apart.

Shinigami-kun Ep 02 001

Anyway, with this man (Hayashi Kento) discovering that the notebook records those who are about to die and the manner of their death, and Shinigami-kun desperately searching for it, what’s going to happen when they inevitably meet? Let’s find out.

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