This is the last episode of the winter 2014 season for Arashi ni Shiyagare (嵐にしやがれ), and the season was very good to the show. We saw attempts to address critical flaws (like starting the show with the Mise segment, which they seem to avoid now) as well as introduce new segments instead of just sticking to the same three segments that recurred episode after episode during the fall season. This episode began with the most intriguing of those new segments – the public opinion poll segment where the Arashis interview thirty or so people who have one thing in common.

2014.03.29 Arashi ni Shiyagare 000

As always, the Arashi members began by trying to figure out what the thirty-eight people around them could possibly have in common. Just looking at them offers few clues, but Aiba-kun notes that they all seem to be physically fit.

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Well, I don’t know how healthy they really are, even though they certainly aren’t fat. You see, these 38 people are into fasting (断食 – danjiki). I guess it works for some people, but I don’t really consider it a healthy practice, preferring consistent moderation.

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